Work-Related (Careers) Learning
Work-related learning is important at Lonsdale. In Upper School students work together to set up their own company, guided every step of the way by the staff team, a Business Adviser, and our school Business Manager.
Running their own company encourages students to work together, interact with adults and grow in confidence as they set up their own enterprise. Past experiences include being able to trade at school events and to run a tuck shop.
As well as running their own business, all students will take part in a WRL week, where each student has a bespoke timetable. This includes careers information, on site and off-site work placements, and visiting speakers coming into school.
Across all phases, our pupils learn about careers and the world of work. The curriculum is taught with a pupil- centred focus, adapting the learning to suit individual learning needs and pupil aspirations. Please see our PSHCE curriculum overview for more details.
Lonsdale students also link with Marriotts School for WRL days, where they learn collaboratively about business and interview techniques alongside other important life skills.
We review our WRL/Careers programme retrospectively, using Gatsby benchmarking (to ensure it meets requirements), in the autumn term each year. The report is then published on the website (see below).
If you require further information, please contact -
Mrs North (WRL, Careers and Work Experience Co-ordinator) T: 0143872699 E:
For more information about careers amd employment please click here